Jerry's Blogs

Saturday, November 24, 2007

On Afternoon Trinkets

From Arthur and Jeremy: <div id="container">   <div id="floating-left"></div>   <div id="floating-right"></div>   <br style="clear: left;">    </div>

The problem with this now if left floating div is too long, then the container div will only stretch to the length of the shorter div on the right. This could break some background or other layout. It might look something like this: (it's not working properly yet... I'll have to do more research before I get this.)

I'm too long!
I'm too short!

But with the proper fix, it would look like:

I'm too long!
I'm too short!

  • pushd and popd for quick remembering what directory you were in.
  • attachment_fu for quick rails attachments. Also does thumbs.
  • multiple style classes can applied to an element in left to right order: <div class="style_first style_second">
  • In general, 'class' is for styles that are generalized and reused among multiple elements, whereas 'id' is for one time specialized elements



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